The Guitars Support Children Foundation is a pass-through Foundation; it serves a a grant-making foundation that distributes all of the contributions it receives each year. The Foundation has one major source of funding which is the company Daniel Slaman Guitars. Public donations however are also possible and welcomed.
Each year, when business results of Daniel Slaman Guitars allows, the proceeds of at least one guitar will be allocated to the Guitar Funds help Children Foundation. In addition to that 5% of the proceeds of each guitar will flow to the Foundation, or, you may choose to donate 5% above the purchase price of the guitar.
Public donations without purchase of a guitar are also possible. The Foundation is now acquiring funds to allocate to charities working for the benefit of children. Updates of progress on funding and projects will be posted here regularly.
The Guitars Support Children Foundation is ANBI approved. The Dutch abbreviation ANBI means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (Institution Aimed at the Common Good) and refers to charitable, religious, humanistic, cultural and scientific institutions whose mission and operations are deemed by the Tax Service to serve the Common Good.
The Dutch government implements a fiscal policy that encourages the donation of funds to causes that advance the Common Good. Apart from granting tax advantages to contributors from The Netherlands, ANBI status also favors donations in countries that grant tax concessions to foreign registered charities. Contributors who have made a donation to the Foundation may be able to deduct the amount from taxable income.
Donations are possible at
Triodus Bank
account name: Stg GSCF
IBAN account nr NL09TRIO0788862464
Jazz Pauletta 2021; project guitar for 2021
'This too shall pass'
This Guitar is SOLD
The Pauletta 2021 is a project guitar, a guitar refeflecting on the temporary nature of the human condition. Materials and parts are chosen to contribute to this notion. The top is California coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens); they are among the oldest living organisms in the world. They can live for more than 2,000 years – which is to say, some of these grande dames were alive during the Roman Empire.
The oldest-known living redwood clocks in at around 2,200 years old.
Named for the deep rosy hue of their surface, the redwoods’ bark is impressive beyond color. At up to 12 inches thick, it allows the trees to generally survive forest fires, which are actually important since they create room for new seedlings to grow. Tannins in the bark also do a good job at fending off damaging insects.
The back is made of Cedar of Lebanon. Revered by civilisations for thousands of years, the Cedar of Lebanon is a rare wood with a natural lustre and distinctive, long-lasting odour. In biblical times, this ‘true cedar’ grew extensively all around the mountains of Lebanon, giving the cedar its name. After centuries of deforestation, there are now just a handful of groves remaining, most notably the Cedars of God, a UNESCO World Heritage site which is now under threat from climate change.
Over the years, many peoples have made use of cedar wood provided by the forest. The Phoenicians used it to build their ships, Egyptians to make paper, and other civilizations like the Romans and Turks exploited the natural treasure for trade. The trees also hold significant religious importance, as they are mentioned in the Bible on several occasions: Solomon used their wood to build Jerusalem and Emperor Hadrian ruled them as royal domains which stopped their destruction. Cedar trees symbolize resilience, immortality, strength and elevation.
It was on 9 November 1989, five days after half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest, that the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled. The people tore down the wall that split Germany into two... where before they had to post armed soviet guards to keep people from escaping into the West (they had no such need on the other side of the wall). The tuners on the guitar were made BEFORE the wall came down... in 1989, which in itself is a piece of history. Made in WEST Germany Schallers. Excellent shape... 3 left and 3 right. On the 'This too shall pass' guitar they symbolize the reunification of Germany... and celebrate freedom. The reunification of East and West Germany was made official on October 3, 1990, almost one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Before World War II, the magnetic pickup electrified the guitar world for the first time....... and would continue to do so to this day. The guitar features a reproduction of this pickup as well as a handmade pre-war design tailpiece. After 5 long years, World War II ended...............
The Jazz Pauletta 'This too shall pass' 2021 is a project guitar, made to mark the thankfully winning, but ongoing battle against the Covid-19 virus. The Jazz Pauletta 2021 guitar carries a message of hope and belief that we can make positive change; it's a mental attitude. You may contribute to bring about change by purchasing the guitar of which all proceeds will be allocated to the Guitars Support Children Foundation, which in it's turn will, in the year 2022, donate the proceeds to organisation(s) that are working for children, anywhere in the world. The specific goal(s) will be established each year by theBoardand published on the internet site of the Foundation.
The guitar will be sold through Daniel Slaman Guitars so as to assure you are dealing with a guitar company in terms of delivery and guarantee.Click here to go to the Slaman Solid Body guitar website for more info on the guitar.
Pauletta 2020; project guitar for 2020
The Pauletta 2020 is a project guitar, made to mark the beginning of the Foundation in 2020. The new decade will bring about many changes, just like any decade before. The Pauletta 2020 guitar carries a message of hope and belief that we can make positive change; it's a mental attitude. You may contribute to bring about change by purchasing the guitar of which all proceeds will be allocated to the Guitars Support Children Foundation, which in it's turn will, in the year 2020, donate the proceeds to organisation(s) that are working for children, anywhere in the world. The specific goal(s) will be established each year by the Board and published on the internet site of the Foundation.